Dear Utah!
Over the past few days, I have received many communications about untruthful or incomplete Kindergarten notices sent from LEAs/Districts around the state.
As we know, Kindergarten is not mandatory/compulsory in Utah, and following the passage of HB517 this legislative session, ½ Kindergarten is expected to be an option at all elementary schools. Schools who “allow a mid-day check out” are not meeting the 1/2 day Kindergarten requirements of legislative code.
In addition, most notices don’t truthfully articulate that immunizations are offered full exemptions and are not required for school.
If you or someone you know has received an inaccurate, incomplete or untruthful notice, please articulate your concerns in an email to “” and please cc: Representative Trevor Lee, Senator Weiler and myself.

Christina Boggess,
District 8 Representative, Utah State Board of Education
Candidate, Utah Senate 16