I was humbled to be endorsed by the Utah Republican Veterans’ Caucus. There is no more significant endorsement than to be put forth by those who have defended our freedom!
It is no secret that I don’t seek out endorsements and don’t believe in being beholden to corporate interests, national or international activist organizations, or their affiliates. My financial disclosures are clear that I am accountable to no one but the District 16 constituents and the Constitution.
Thank you to the Utah Republican Veterans’s Caucus for asserting the need for change in District 16 and supporting my campaign.

It is more important than ever that delegates and all voters understand our state needs to focus on:
Justice, and
The Utah Republican Veterans’ Caucus understands this, and our delegates do, too. I look forward to meeting you all very soon.

Christina Boggess,
District 8 Representative, Utah State Board of Education
Candidate, Utah Senate 16